Hola Fake Family,
I’m a big believer in pretty flowers / And I’m a big believer in sun showers.
As I do every Tuesday, I’ve added a new song sketch to that evolving “Mixed Up Files” album over at Bandcamp, which you can listen to in the player below:
I recorded this song idea as a voice memo in January of 2018, and wound up chopping it up a hair last week.
Then I started walking around my new neighborhood in San Diego and realized, I really do love pretty flowers, as the lyric states.
I began taking photos of flowers as I walked the dog every day and amassed a Gigabyte’s worth of natural beauty.
This video is the result of taking this off the cuff demo, which I’d recorded so as not to forget the core idea, and overlaying photos of flowers I’ve taken over the past two weeks.
Spring comes earlier here than in it does in Duluth, Minnesota.
I made this flower-heavy video to please my Mother, who taught me to love pretty flowers.
Faux Jean
p.s. my daughter begged me to add better vocals before setting this sketch free, but I explained that at this newsletter, perfect is the enemy of good, and I hope to make a higher quality version in future.
That’s a beautiful audio visual trip, man 👍🏼