Faux Peeps,
I had another one of those days where I found myself perplexed by the passage of time.
My 7th grade son put on a pair of pants to wear to school and then took them off, saying that they no longer fit him.
After he went to school, I tried the pants on and they fit me perfectly.
They are my new favorite pants.
Then I happened across this journal entry from March 7, 2013:
Here it is March and got dumped on in a big blizzard on Monday. On that day, Henry ate noodles out of the garbage can (‘Nummy noodles” he said as he stumbled into the dining room, an udon noodle wrapped around his arm somehow), he ripped the doorbell off the front door vestibule, knocked a framed print off the wall and broke the frame, took a whiz on the floor of his bedroom (intentionally), threw a model train in the toilet, & took his mittens off repeatedly while I tried to shovel us out of the deluge, which eventually led to him crying from cold hands, which turned shoveling into a two part (3 part if you included the post plowed-in driveway shovel) affair. Also discovered on this day that little man had managed to force all of his DVDs into the DVD player in such a way that they are irretrievable, unplayable, and floating around the raw electronics within the box. I think I was rolling on sub-5 hours of sleep to boot.
All of this being said, it was a grand day, lower back pain excepted.
Em & I just returned from ultrasound where we learned that the baby in her belly is a girl. Truly amazing watching the heartbeat & bloodflowing on the screen. Heartbeat of 139, case you wanted to know. Excited to have a girl, as I remember having a little sister when I was Henry’s age and feeling perhaps more doting than I otherwise would have. Naturally a boy would have been welcome too, but here we are.
That baby in that belly insisted on giving me a facial the other day, she’ll be eleven soon.
She also made a caricature of me based on an old photo, which I kind of love:
Is time moving? Is it flying? Or is it sitting still laughing at all of us?
Somtimes all you can do is take an old instrumental jam and add it to your ever-evolving LP-series over on Bandcamp, and try not to ask so many damn questions.
Listen in the player below.
I remain your humble servant,
Love all of this, and definitely hee hawing at the jeans. This summer grabbed some "you can wear IF I don't want to", realizing i fit into a pair of pants my son scored on ebay. It is funny to watch them grow, and stay the same-- while we, um, try to maintain? Stay present? Stay ourselves? Lean into the hilarity is the best way. I LOVE both the path of destruction left by toddler son AND the current facial-giving situation at your house.