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Hey everybody!
September 17, 2024, this is singing cowboy Faux Jean checking in. It is a Tuesday. I’m doing my Substack today. It’s the day that I do my mailing list—every Tuesday I put a new song on my on my record, which is on Bandcamp. I haven’t released those to Apple Music or Spotify yet. I’m just doing it on Bandcamp, it’s all kinda in that little world there, but on Tuesdays it’s what I do and I change the album with each season so today is gonna be the last song that I’ll add to Volume 9 of “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler,” now that is going to be on Bandcamp—you can go listen to this song—I’m gonna play the song today, somebody said the other day “Man you talked about that dog in that dog video if you go back to you turned me “Which Turned You Off,” that song— if you go back to that song listen to it—to the video— I kind of rambled, I did wanna edit it down, but I kinda ran out of time. So today I’m gonna do it a little quicker— I just talking about the song that I’m adding to today. I’m just gonna play it right here. I’m just gonna play it Live!
It’s a song called “My Guy Guy.”
I noticed back in the 2000s people were saying rather than saying something like “Oh my friend Lance is gonna come over.” They’d say “Oh, my Guy Lance is coming over” or “I got my I got a check in with my guy Slug” or “I got a check in with my guy Ant” and I kind of liked that: my guy!
When I lived in Germany I used to hitchhike a lot and I’d go—I tried hitchhiking through France, which I do not recommend— I really came to hate yellow headlights. I’ll tell you that much because I saw a lot of headlights and not a lot of people stopping, but there was this one guy and his name was Guy— in France if your name is Guy, which is not a very common name in the United States but if you’re in France, Guy is a fairly common name and in France they say “Gee.”
So I was thinking about this where you say, “my guy Lance” or “my guy Fred,” but if you say “my guy Guy” it’s kind of funny cause on paper it looks like “my guy Guy,” like what does that mean? My guy Guy?
I thought that might be a good idea for a song. And then the other day, I remembered this guy Guy, who picked me up what I was hitchhiking back in France, which I do not recommend, I’ll repeat that. He picked me up and he was a cool guy shit talker, and I come up with a song, and it goes like this— thanks for listening.
Here are the lyrics:
Cool guy
My guy Guy, he's a Francophone,
Cool Guy, Shit talker
Oh Luke Skywalker
He's got nothing on Guy
Guy knows the force, of course
My guy Guy, he's a Francophone,
My guy Guy, he's a Francophone,
And he's never alone
He always gets the girl
yes he does
and he says
"I don't know how I do it
but I do
It's not the end of the world
Nor is it the beginning
It's somewhere in between..."
Cool Guy, Shit talker
Oh Luke Skywalker
He's got nothing on Guy
Guy's the King of his world
And he knows that it's all upside down
and turned around and fooled around
And he knows that it's inside out
My guy Guy, he's a Francophone,
My guy Guy, he's a Francophone,
And he never misses out
He's the King of his world
He always gets the girl
My guy Guy
I’m still working on this one, but that’s the song for today and I’m gonna take this recording that I just made on the video and I’m gonna add it to the Bandcamp record. Next week we start Volume 10 of “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew Schindler,” so I have to work on some artwork. Do some of that marketing stuff before we go. I just gotta say, my mustache if you notice, my big sister Jennifer Leigh, said hey, you should grow out a handlebar mustache and I thought you know I’m just gonna start over and I thought it would’ve grown back by this week but it didn’t so I took this champagne cork and I put it under the flame and I just kind of painted on my mustache so that’s why I look a little different this week, but other than that, it’s still the same Faux Jean, still the singing cowboy still doing the “Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler” and I thank you all for listening and everybody have a lovely day.