Faux Craic’ers,
Happy first day of Spring!1
I should be starting Volume 8 of “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler” over on Bandcamp today, as I initiate a new volume with each season’s change2, but I only just now realized the Solstice is today and my machine already crashed once, and we don’t want to push our luck with getting this thing out before I have to pick the kids up from school.3 Ahem.
Thirty-four years ago I was in Galway, Ireland and I wrote a poem in my journal that went thus:
On that visit, I’d gone to see some renowned local musicians at this pub in Galway which had left me so electrified4, I had to go get my picture taken in front of the place the next day so I wouldn’t forget it:
I left that jam session transformed by the power of music to carry one beyond whatever might be happening in your life. Man it was good craic!5
Some 9 years later, I recorded a sketch of a nascent song idea so I wouldn’t forget it. It was made using an Electoharmonix Memory Man and a tape recorder with an acoustic guitar.6
Today, I am adding that song idea to the Mixed Up Files. Listen in the player below:
In 2001, I got the rest of the Faux Jean band to go into the studio and smash these two ideas together with the result being released in 2002, on the album Nature. (Listen below.)
Sometimes you gotta make your own grandeur.
More as it happens!
I remain your humble servant,
Faux Jean
p.s. I continue to be confused by time, but I did get this out before having to gather the children from school.
p.p.s. click to learn more about good Craic.
Also, Happy Birthday to my nephew Jack Murphy!
on the Solstice or Equinox as time would have it.
So next week will be the beginning of Volume 8
This experience made me want to make vibrations and sweat for other people.
My journals would indicate that I was mainly fighting with my girlfriend at the time.
The bass line on the right side reminds me of a lumbering giant.