Faux Friends,
You know, it’s kind of hard to write a song, sing a song, or finish a song when someone keeps grabbing your face. (See GIF above.)
Or grabbing your guitar. (See video short below.)
And so it happens from time to time that I find myself in the position of having to release an unfinished demo as part of the “Mixed Up Files” album series.1
Today’s addition to “FTMUFOMMTSV3” is such a number. And you can listen to it for free in the player below.
It was recorded exactly three years ago today!
If the meta-data is to be believed, I recorded this at 4:50 a.m., but that doesn’t seem right, as both my son, who starts yakking at the end of the recording, and I, seem pretty awake.
We were just sitting in our apartment in Madison, Wisconsin talking about a musical we hope to write some day about screens and/or screentime,2 and this song idea popped into my head, so I recorded it quickly on my iPhone so I wouldn’t forget it.3
Turns out, I did forget it.
But last week I went through some old voice memos, like Yukon Cornelius, seeing what I could find, and this one jumped out.
Partially because I didn’t really remember this idea, and also because I love the way my son jumps in talking in the moment I stop playing.4
One must capture ideas when one can.
The working title for the song was “Screens Improv riff.”5
Last night, when I put the kids to bed, my daughter announced that she was going to need some mellow music to help her fall asleep.6
I grabbed a stray phone and opened the music app.
“I just like Lo-Fi Chill,” she announced.
I went to bed thinking “I need a Lo-Fi shill.”
And today, I’ve got a sick kid home from school who is demanding to be fed, and so I must away, as I remain your humble servant,
Faux Jean
Here are the lyrics for “Love Has Come Down (demo interrupted)”:
Has come down
to Stay
Love is here
For to stay
For today
For you.
Like, I expect the final version of this song will be longer than 60 seconds.
One song from this musical will be called “You can’t stop my happiness with hygiene!”, which is a line that my son laid on me one day when I implored him to drop the iPad and brush his teeth.
The version presented here has had amplitude and compression added in Adobe Audition. Maybe a touch of verb.
His voice has changed since this recording and so this track is even more time-capsule like for me.
Hence my previous assertion/guess that we were talking about the “screentime” musical when I recorded this.
This is a new thing.