Merry Fauxs,
Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice and so today’s song addition to Volume 2 of “The Mixed Up Files” will be the last track of Volume 2.1
I actually made this recording just today, moments before walking the dog2 and writing this epistle to you.
The song is called “My Gift for You” and you can listen to it as an mp3 in this player:
You can also listen to the song here as a wav file if lossy stuff gets you down:
Hanukkah, Ramadan and Christmas all get mentions in the first stanza alone.
“My Gift for You” originally appeared on the 2003 Faux Jean record “Dead Lover.3”
I actually went into the garage today to look for the old cassette that contains the original kernel of this song idea, thinking I might upload that version of this song for today's release.4
But I became overwhelmed at the heft of the box of cassettes and gear and resolved to head upstairs empty-handed, with the song in my head, to record a fresh version. So here it is.
This song was originally written for my young nephew Jack, as I had neglected to send him a traditional Christmas present, and hoped a song might let him know that love was coming his way. Still is, though I don’t get to see him nearly enough.
Here are the lyrics:
My Gift for You
So sad at Hanukkah
I was symptomatic
At Ramadan
I was in a panic
I was in a phase
just this side on manic
and then by Christmas Day
I forgot you
And though it may seem just a tad bit late
Here it is: My Gift for You
My Gift for You
I'm gonna wrap it up
you'll never know
what's inside
so go ahead and open it
it's just like my very inside
The holidays
they seemed so traumatic
I didn't sleep for days
I was smokin' in the attic
and yeah by Christmas Day
I forgot you
And though it may be just a tad bit late
Here it is: My Gift for You
My Gift for You
can't slap it down on a credit card
or pick it from the vine
so go ahead and open it
it's just like my very inside
Well it coulda been a doll or a windup train
Oh, Christmas day is gone and it's all the same so...
it might be just a little late, no?
Here it is: My Gift for You
In other news, I actually finished the video for “Out of Picture” the other day and put it up on Youtube. Smash that like button.
Also, Bob Dylan’s Instagram hipped me to this interview that he did with the Washington Post regarding his new book “The Philosophy of Modern Song.”5
I love Bob Dylan, and I love that quote:
“To be creative you’ve got to be unsociable and tight-assed. Not necessarily violent or ugly, just unfriendly and distracted."
As if to say, sometimes you neglect to send Christmas presents in time, because you’re too hung up on a song.
I know my dog was ticked that her walk was being delayed by this morning’s creative endeavor.
Mr. Dylan is right, “Creativity is a mysterious thing.”
I remain your humble servant,
Faux Jean
And Happy Holidays!
You may recall from the artwork on bandcamp that volume 2 is a “Fall Sampler,” and Fall is all but over.
That is a superior version to this one, but here we are…
In keeping with the whole “Mixed Up Files” ethic…
I screenshotted (?) this little bit.