FAUX JEAN is a singing cowboy from Duluth Minnesota who now calls California home. Every Tuesday he releases a new song on his evolving album series on Bandcamp and writes about it here. Subscribe for free and hear a new song every week. Old Faux may be the only Singing Cowboy on Substack at this point. Yee Haw!
My Faux Cats,
When my wife got her PhD in 2020, my kids were curious to know what kind of degree I had.
I told them that I had a Bachelor’s in English and German with a focus on poetry and an Associate’s degree in Visual Communications.
On top of that, I declared that I had earned the equivalent of a Master’s degree in jangle pop. (MJP?)1
Today’s song addition to the “Mixed Up Files” fits into jangle category.
Hell, it’s even got jangle in the title. (Listen in the player below.)
I just pulled this one out of the sky on September 28, 2022 and recorded it into my phone so I wouldn’t forget it.
And then I forgot it.
And then today, I was sitting in the doctor’s office with my son, who tested positive for strep, and I realized it was Tuesday and I needed a song to add to the “Mixed Up Files” project.
I wanted something a little “feel good,” given the vibe.
This fits the bill, methinks.
Wearing a mask today while hanging with this poor kid who has a bacterial infection in his throat reminded to be thankful that I don’t have to wear a mask all the time.
It’s the little things.
I did get a new cowboy hat too, so I got that going for me.
With that I will take my leave.
I remain your humble servant,