Faux Friends,
This has been a wild week, am I right?
I have no answers, but I am reminded of a garage that I used to pass on the road around Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin. The owners had painted on the side of the garage in nice lettering: “There is no violent solution.” I think about that garage a lot.
Deep breaths.
I have been busy working on new recordings! I have also been busy doing laundry and dishes and getting the kids out the door to school and carting them to baseball and softball practice (and working). It’s 11:40 a.m. on a Friday and I’ve got a pork shoulder in the oven—pretty stoked about that. All of this to say, a new album is still going to take me a minute to complete.1
However, it is Bandcamp Friday2, so perhaps if you haven’t already, you can do what some very nice (and, dare I say, sensible!) folks are doing/have done, and grab the entire Faux Jean discography (that which exists exclusively on Bandcamp, at least) for a song. You can also just go to the page and listen to the songs for free a time or two, which gratifies my ego at least as much as a sale.
This photo chronicles the time before cell phones when a fellow could smoke two packs of clove cigarettes a day and still feel pretty good about the world.3 It is also from the same photo session that yielded the Live at the Turf Club cover photo. Did I mention that I never had braces?
Thanks for reading and listening and being kind and gentle, I remain your humble servant &C,
Working title for the new record is: “Poverty is the Enemy.”
Bandcamp waives their fees to the artist on these days, a practice they started during the pandemic.
Kids, don’t start smoking! And if you do, don’t hold it like the guy in this picture.