My Faux Friends,
As promised/threatened, I got a new song added to the evolving, Bandcamp-exclusive record “From The Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler” in time for this Tuesday newsletter of the same name.1
That’s 3 weeks in a row.
That’s consistency.2
If you look closely, you will see that this new song, titled simply: “This is MY song!” clocks in at under a minute. A mere 53 seconds; and that’s with a couple false starts.
That’s brevity.
That’s value.
Dig these vibrations!
It takes less than 60 seconds to comprehend the entire concept.
Most novice songwriters, or even seasoned songwriters with minimal computer skills, probably have several songs on their computer or tablet called “My Song,” or “My Song 1.”
That is fine.
You can all have your own versions of “My Song.”
But this recording here, the one that I have bravely shared with the world—nay! with all of humanity with the click of a button— “This is MY song!”
It’s very childlike.
Playground even.
And then it’s over.
I wrote this when we were still fairly new to California.
The pandemic had teeth and I was an essential worker, pulling shifts in an Amazon warehouse and working in a grocery store. Egad that was a bad time for old Faux Jean.
I took this photo on December 12, 2020, the day I captured this song idea:
There are still bright spots even when you learn that you have to work in the deep-freeze cooler at the Amazon Warehouse.
I hope you dig this song, share it with a friend, and find some joy in your day.
I remain you humble servant
Faux Jean
Here are the lyrics:
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This ain't your song
I made it up
Yeah, this is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is mine
It ain't yours
This is MY song!
I made it up!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is MY song!
This is mine!
It doesn’t feel like a Tuesday though, does it?
Dare I say reliability?
Like a firework.