Faux Jean is a singing cowboy from Duluth, Minn. Each week he adds a new song to an evolving record series over on Bandcamp and writes about it here. “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler” is somewhere between a fake newsletter and a faux press release for the eponymous wabi-sabi private label album series that continues to evolve over there. Thanks for checking it out.

To see a transcript of today’s video, click on the above video to be whisked away to a browser window where an okay AI-generated transcript is provided.

My Faux Pleasure Seekers,

Here is today’s song addition to the “Mixed Up Files” album series over on Bandcamp:

The title of today’s newsletter is a bit of a bait and switch, in that “Artist Seeks Oblivion: Will Settle for Pleasure” has nothing to do with the song of the day or the contents of the video. I just felt that two weeks of learning that life is terrifying on top of the new regime might be more than some people could handle, so I changed the title to something that might appeal to folks looking for some kind of relief from the constant noise that seems to humming from our devices. My apologies if you feel tricked.

I remain your humble servant,


Faux Jean

Utility spray paint street art.

Here are the lyrics for today’s song:

Sometimes life can be terrifying
And sometimes it just seems golden
And sometimes you laugh yourself to death
And sometimes you can’t stop crying
But you stanch the flow
‘cause he got to go

And sometimes you work so hard
And sometimes you’re hardly tryin’
And sometimes everybody loves you
But wait till tomorrow night
When the truth comes out
That your heart is dark
And you lied

So so you put on a great big smile
You go out to greet your public
Sometimes it feels so good
And sometimes you wanna panic
When you wave goodbye
And you fly away
Like the drone you are
A useless bumblebee
On Air Force One

But you were lucky to bee
You inherited a million pounds of honey
From your daddy drone, Mr. Rich Bee
And if everybody started out that way
You’d just be a schmuck and a drone anyway

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Can you pick out the fake Bob?