
Listen to today’s song addition to the “Mixed Up Files” album in the player above!

Hey everybody!

Singing cowboy Faux Jean here— real quick one today. Just checking in. From the Mixed up files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler. You know, a couple weeks ago, my kids, they did the dishes after dinner, which I always appreciate, but, I got home from work late, and, they had poured a bunch of rice down the, the drain, of the, garbage disposal.

So I said, there's all this rice, and I know I met with a plumber once, and he told me, you know, don't put rice down there because it expands. And then it clogged up, so it got all clogged up, and, two days of standing water there and finally I went about a plumber’s snake and I unclogged that way.

And, got it taken care of. But now I found myself, you know, like, I sometimes I think, like, I’ll have these grand thoughts and philosophy like: Oh, God looks down on the world and he sees a single organism. We're all one. We're all together. Death and life, and it's all connected.

But then I'll also just marvel at how small-minded I can be.

Like, I got about one of those little nets that goes over the drain. So when you throw the rice in there, just stops it. And then, you know, I come home and I look at that like how much food is stuck in there so I can, you know, I think big I think big philosophical things.

And I, and I misspelled philosophical in a video, the other day. But then also kind of like, marvel at how small minded I can be. And, life is just like that, you know, it's like one day it's, it's, you know, Oh, we’re made out of star stuff. And then,

maybe we're just made out of bananas.

Maybe we're all just nuts. Anywho, new song up today– I put it on the Bandcamp. It's called “Open Yourself to the Possibility.” I wrote this song in, 2017. So seven years ago. It was in November of 2017. And the lyric is: Go get fixed. You don't know that you’re broke. You must open yourself to the possibility.

And the song just came to me. I don't know what I was thinking or what I was writing about, but it was, I wrote I like this song, and it kind of makes me feel better when I play it. And one of the lyrics, it says: I went swimming in the sea. And I know sometimes when I'm sad, just going swimming in the ocean is good.

It makes you feel better.

So, that's the song today. Go get fixed. You don't know that you're broke. I decided when I made a record of this on my phone, I just, came. The idea came to me. I just got my phone out, and I recorded it, and it was, “Open Yourself to the Possibility” is what I called it on the voice memo.

And then, today, I put it into audition. I added some chorus and, you know, some, compression and that sort of thing. So it's kind of a polished turd, if you will. Yeah. So that's the song.

Every week we're adding a new song to the Mixed Up Files and Mr. Matthew T. Schindler,

sometimes there are new ones that I just came up with, and sometimes they're seven years old and I don't know what they mean.

But I'll tell you one thing.

You got to open yourself to the possibility, to the very real possibility.

I will finish this song. I like this song, and I'm putting it up there today because I think, you know, maybe some, some songwriter will hear and they'll say, hey, there's something in that sentiment. I'm going to record that song.

Maybe they'll finish it and add some lyrics, but I'm going to try to finish it too. But that's one of the beautiful things about having a little, an album series like “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler.” So I can take these ideas, that are not perfect. They don't sound perfect. They don't sound great.

You know, and just kind of share these ideas. It's a it's amazing to be able to share ideas this way.

When I started out music in the 90s, man, you had to send somebody a cassette tape if you even wanted them to hear an idea.

And now I can just say, wow, this idea popped into my head.

I tracked it on my phone, and I polished the turd on the Audition, and now I'm sharing it with you. And it's just so easy. It's just. I mean, there's this. The the world's not perfect, but I'll tell you, I like sharing ideas. And that's what, “From the Mixed Up Files of Mr. Matthew T. Schindler,” the album series on Bandcamp, as well as the newsletter.

They both have the same name, so it's a little confusing.

It's fun.

So go listen!

I appreciate your attention. It is Tuesday, October 22nd. I am Faux Jean, the singing cowboy from Duluth, Minnesota, who now lives close to the border of Mexico.

I remain your humble Servant,


Faux Jean

Here are the lyrics for today’s song:

Go get fixed
You don't know that you're broke
Open yourself to the possibility

I fell over mountains
and I rolled down hills
And I went swimming in the sea

Go get fixed
You don't know that you're broke
You must open yourself to the possibility